The science behind VIVO
From the ear to the brain to pain relief – this is how VIVO works. Here, you can find scientific findings on auricular vagus nerve stimulation (aVNS) and the latest results from clinical studies.
Relevant studies and publications
EU funding in the scope of Horizon 2020
In our ongoing EU Horizon 2020 project, we are developing an innovative, patient-focused pain management system based on the electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve in the ear. The developed device is a minimally invasive wearable that uses physiological feedback, such as heart rate, to individually adjust the treatment to the patient. A smartphone app for the documentation of the treatment enables complete integration in an online therapy management system.
This paves the way for the objective documentation of treatment outcomes and the personalised treatment of chronic pain based on the individual condition and dynamic requirements of the patient.

The main aim of this EU-backed project is to verify the clinical safety, performance and usability of the development in patients with chronic back pain.
Research pipeline
We are continuously working on new, effective, personalised and drug-free methods of pain relief in order to improve the quality of life of patients in the long term. We do so by developing new technologies and applications. Alongside VIVO, our first device on the market for providing personalised aVNS, we are working on a digital pain diary as well as on an integrated pain management system for the objective, personalised treatment of chronic pain.